Terms and Conditions

  • Definitions

      1. Viper Shop - Viper Shop Commercial Platform, organized on the basis of the Romanian law on electronic commerce.

        The partners of the Viper Shop platform are:
          CUI: RO34994508
          ID: RO23893540

        has the following definition:
        • all the information on the SITE that can be visited, viewed or otherwise accessed by using a digital device
        • the content of any e-mail sent to its USERS or CUSTOMERS by Viper Shop by electronic means and/or any other means of communication available
        • any information communicated by any means by an employee of Viper Shop to the USER or CLIENT, according to the contact information, specified or not by him
        • information related to the products, services and/or rates applied by Viper Shop in a certain period
        • information related to the products, services and/or rates charged by a third party with whom Viper Shop has concluded partnership contracts, in a certain period
        • data related to Viper Shop, or other privileged data of it.

        - the e-commerce service conducted exclusively on the publicly available portions of the SITE, in the sense of giving the CLIENT the possibility to contract products and/or services using exclusively electronic means, including other means of remote communication (ie by telephone).

        - The natural person who has or obtains access to the CONTENT, through any means of communication made available by Viper Shop (electronic, telephone, etc.) or based on an existing user agreement between Viper Shop and it and which requires the creation and use of a ACCOUNT.

        - the set consisting of an e-mail address and a password that allow a single User access to restricted areas of the SITE through which access to the SERVICE is made.

        - The natural person who has the status of a Viper Shop User, and who has placed at least one order on the site.

        - these Terms and Conditions

        at a distance - according to the definition contained in OG 130/2000 art. 2 lit.a.: the contract for the supply of products or services concluded between a trader and a consumer, within a sales system organized by the trader, who uses exclusively, before and at the conclusion of this contract, one or more techniques of remote communication;

        - the periodic means of information, exclusively electronic, respectively electronic mail (e-mail, SMS), on the products, services and/or promotions carried out by Viper Shop in a certain period, without any commitment from Viper Shop with reference to the information it contains.

        - collection or reimbursement of an amount resulting from the sale of a product / service by Viper Shop to the Client, by using the services of the card processor approved by Viper Shop, regardless of the method of delivery

  • General
        1. The document establishes the terms and conditions of use of the Site/Content/Service by the User or Client, in case he does not have another valid user agreement concluded between Viper Shop and him.
        2. The use, including but not limited to accessing, visiting and viewing, the Content/Service, implies the User's or Client's adherence to these terms and conditions, unless the respective content does not have clearly formulated terms of use.
        3. Access to the Service is made exclusively by accessing the publicly available website www.vipershop.ro.
        4. By using the Site/Content/Service, the User or Client is solely responsible for all the activities arising from its use. Also, he is responsible for any material, intellectual or electronic damages or any other kind caused to the Site, the Content, the Service, Viper Shop or any third party with whom Viper Shop has concluded contracts, in accordance with the Romanian legislation in force.
        5. If the User or the Client does not agree and/or does not accept and/or revokes the consent given for the Document:
          1. He waives: access to the Service, other services offered by Viper Shop through the Site, receiving newsletters/alerts and/or communications from Viper Shop of any kind (e-mail, phone call, SMS, etc.), without any subsequent guarantee from Viper Shop.
          2. Viper Shop will delete all data referring to it from its database, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other.
          3. It can revert at any time on its decision not to agree and/or not accept the document, in the form in which it will be available at that time.
        6. The Client / User can revert at any time on his decision to agree and/or accept the Document, in the form in which it will be available at that time.
        7. To exercise the right provided for in art 2.5, he can contact Viper Shop, or use the links in the content received from Viper Shop intended for this purpose.
        8. In the event that the Customer has paid the value of all non-honored Contracts to Viper Shop and revokes his consent expressed in favor of the Document during the execution of an Order, Viper Shop will cancel his Order without any subsequent obligation of any party to the other or without any party to be able to claim the other damages.
        9. This Site is addressed only to Users who are natural persons who are at least 18 years old, who have completed the appropriate registration steps and who have not been suspended or removed by Viper Shop, regardless of the reason for the suspension or removal. The possibility to order online is only available to people residing in Romania. By becoming a user, Viper Shop will consider that the person meets the aforementioned conditions.

  • Content
        1. The content, as defined in the preamble, including but not limited to logos, stylized representations, commercial symbols, static images, dynamic images, text and/or multimedia content presented on the Site, are the exclusive property of Viper Shop, which is All rights obtained in this regard directly or indirectly (through usage and/or publication licenses) are reserved.
        2. The User or Customer is not allowed to copy, distribute, publish, transfer to third parties, modify and/or otherwise alter, use, link to, display, include any content in any context other than the one originally intended by Viper Shop, include any content outside the Viper Shop website, the removal of signs signifying Viper Shop's copyright on the content, as well as participating in the transfer, sale, distribution of materials made by reproducing, modifying or displaying the content, except with the express consent of Viper Shop.
        3. Any content to which the User or the Client has and/or obtains access by any means, is under the incidence of the Document, if the content is not accompanied by a specific and valid user agreement concluded between Viper Shop and it, and without any implicit or express warranty from Viper Shop with reference to that content.
        4. The User or Client may copy, transfer and/or use content only for personal or non-commercial purposes, only if they do not conflict with the provisions of the Document.
        5. If Viper Shop grants the User or the Client the right to use, in the form described in a separate user agreement, certain content, to which the User has or obtains access following this agreement, this right extends only to that or those contents defined in the agreement, only during the existence of this or these contents on the site or the period defined in the agreement, according to the defined conditions, if they exist and do not represent a contractual commitment on the part of Viper Shop for the respective user, Customer or any other third party who has/obtains access to this transferred content, by any means and who could be or is harmed in any way by this content, during or after the expiration of the user agreement.
        6. Any use of the Content for purposes other than those expressly permitted by the document or the user agreement that accompanies it, if it exists, is prohibited.

  • Contact
        1. Viper Shop publishes on the website, the identification and contact data, updated for the information of Customers or Members.
        2. By using the contact form or the service present on the website, the User or Client allows Viper Shop to contact him by any available means, including electronic means, respectively electronic mail (e-mail, SMS).
        3. Accessing the Site, using the information presented within it, visiting the pages or sending e-mails or notifications addressed to Viper Shop is done electronically, by telephone, or through any other means of communication available to the User or the Client. Thus, Viper Shop will consider that the User or Client consents to receiving notifications from Viper Shop electronically and/or by telephone, including communications by e-mail, SMS or through announcements on the website.
        4. Viper Shop reserves the right not to respond to requests of any kind, which are not related to the products/services present on the website or to a contract concluded with a user or Customer, received by any means of communication (electronic, phone call, SMS, etc).

  • Newsletters and alerts
        1. When the User or Client creates an Account on the Site, they accept the Document (Terms and Conditions), expressing their agreement regarding the receipt of newsletters and/or alerts from Viper Shop, sent by electronic mail (e-mail , SMS) and/or phone call. The option regarding the agreement issued by the Client or user can be modified at any time, in compliance with the provisions of art. 5.3.
        2. The data taken from a user or Client, for the purpose of sending newsletters and/or alerts, can and will be used by Viper Shop within the limits of the Privacy Policy.
        3. Opting out of receiving newsletters and/or alerts by the user or Client can be done at any time:
          1. using the specially intended link within any newsletters and/or alerts received or by calling the phone number 021 255 02 11
          2. by using the options available in the Customer Account, to modify the acceptance or to receive newsletters and/or alerts;
          3. by contacting Viper Shop, using the tools available on the website in the "SUPPORT" section, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other.
        4. Renunciation of receiving newsletters and/or alerts does not imply renunciation of the consent given for the document.
        5. Viper Shop reserves the right to select the Members or Customers who have previously expressed to receive newsletters and/or alerts to whom it will send such notifications, as well as the right to remove from its database any user or Customer, without no subsequent commitment on the part of Viper Shop, In this case, the user or the Client can address the Customer Relations Department of Viper Shop to receive the necessary justifications in relation to any decision and/or action undertaken by Viper Shop, in the sense of this article. The selection of members is based on repeated non-honoring of orders or abuses of any kind.
        6. Viper Shop will not include in the newsletters and/or alerts sent to the User or the Client, any other kind of advertising material in the form of content that refers to any third party that is not a partner of Viper Shop, at the time of sending the newsletters and/ or alerts.

  • Privacy policy
        1. Viper Shop collects personal data and special data (CNP), on the pages of its Sites, only with the voluntary consent of the User or the Client, for the following purposes:
          1. validation, dispatch and invoicing of orders to him;
          2. solving cancellations or problems of any kind related to an order or a contract, to the services or products purchased by him;
          3. to ensure his access to the service;
          4. sending periodic newsletters and/or alerts, by using electronic mail (e-mail, SMS) and/or by phone call;
          5. contacting him, at his voluntary request;
          6. contacting him, in matters of Customer Relations;
          7. statistical purposes.
          By creating the Account, each user or Client has expressed their consent for Viper Shop to collect and administer their personal data, under the conditions and in compliance with the provisions of Law 677/2001.
          Any user or Client has the right to obtain from Viper Shop, through a written, signed and dated request, free of charge:
          1. confirmation of the fact that the data concerning him are or are not processed by him
          2. as the case may be, rectifying, updating, blocking or deleting data whose processing is not in accordance with the law, especially incomplete or inaccurate data;
          3. as the case may be, the transformation into anonymous data of data whose processing is not in accordance with the law;
          4. the notification to third parties to whom the data of any operation carried out according to letter b) or c), if this notification does not prove impossible or does not involve an effort disproportionate to the legitimate interest that could be harmed.
          By virtue of voluntarily registering on the Viper Shop website or accessing (ordering) Viper Shop products/services, the User or Client agrees with (consents to) the processing of personal data by Viper Shop in its own computer system, both manually and and automatically, for the purposes stated in point 6.1, in accordance with art. 5 paragraph 1 of Law no. 677/2001 on the protection and processing of personal data. If the User or Customer does not agree with the processing of his personal data by Viper Shop, he has the right not to use the website and not to provide Viper Shop with personal data.
          Any user or Customer has the right to object at any time, for well-founded and legitimate reasons related to his particular situation, by sending to Viper Shop a written request, dated and signed as data, which aims to be the subject of a processing, except in cases where there are legal provisions to the contrary. In case of justified opposition, the processing can no longer concern the data in question.
          Any user or customer has the right to object at any time, free of charge and without any justification, by sending to Viper Shop a written request, dated and signed, that the data it concerns be processed for the purpose of direct marketing, on behalf of the operator or a third party, or to be disclosed to third parties for such a purpose.
        2. Viper Shop may involuntarily collect other data (IP address, time of visit, place from which access is made, name and version of internet browser, operating system, including other parameters) provided by the internet browser through which access to the site is made and can be used by Viper Shop to improve the services offered to its Customers or Users, or for statistical purposes; the exception is the case where the provisions of the document are violated, in the event that the result of the actions of the User/Client goes against the interests or causes damages of any kind on the part of Viper Shop and/or any third parties with whom Viper Shop has partnership contracts at that time .
        3. The customer has the right to oppose, within the limits provided by art. 6.1, the collection of his personal data and to request their deletion, thus revoking his consent given for the document, and thus renouncing any implicit right specified therein and without any subsequent obligation to one party against the other or without any party being able to claim damages to the other.
        4. To exercise the rights according to art. 6.3, the Client or User will contact Viper Shop, by accessing one of the methods stipulated in art. 5.3.
        5. Using the forms available on the site, the Client or User has the right to modify the data they initially declared to reflect any change that has occurred, if any.
        6. If the Client opts for online payment of the value of the orders, contract and/or contracts, the authorization and remittance for settlement of the card acceptance transactions is carried out exclusively through the commercial company RomCard SA through the integrated solution Plationline.ro and GeCad e-Payment International SA through the PayU integrated solution.
          RomCard SA and GeCad e-Payment International SA operate as a data processing and liaison center between card issuers, card-accepting merchants and card-using customers.
          All types of cards issued by Romanian and foreign banks under the VISA and MasterCard logos are accepted, provided that the issuing banks have activated them for online payment.
        7. Viper Shop does not request or store any information regarding the Customer's bank card or cards, these being processed directly on the servers of the online payment service provider.
        8. The Viper Shop privacy policy refers only to the data provided voluntarily by the Client or User exclusively on the site. Viper Shop is not responsible for the privacy policy practiced by any other third party that can be reached through links, regardless of their nature, outside the site.
        9. Viper Shop undertakes to use the collected data of the Client/User only in accordance with the stated purposes and not to publish, sell, rent, license, transfer, etc. the database containing information related to the personal or special data of the User/Client of any third party not involved in the fulfillment of the declared purposes.
        10. Exception from the provisions of art. 6.9 will make the situation in which the transfer/access/visualization/etc is required by the competent bodies in the cases provided by the regulations in force on the date of the occurrence of the event.
        11. The bank card processor(s) approved by Viper Shop have the right to access/view any type of data/documents, generated following an order issued, canceled order, contract, canceled contract or an honored contract , to investigate any Transaction, if it exists.
        12. Viper Shop guarantees that the personal data of a User, collected through the contact form, will be used only until the problem communicated by him is solved, after which they will become exclusively statistical data.
        13. Viper Shop is not responsible for failures that may endanger the security of the server on which the database that contains this personal data is hosted.

  • Online sales policy
        1. Access to the service
          1. Access to the service is allowed to any user who has or creates an Account.
          2. In order to be allowed access to the service, the User will have to accept the provisions of the Document.
          3. Viper Shop reserves the right to restrict or exclude the Customer's access to the Service, and/or to some of the accepted payment methods and to delete or restrict his Account, within the limits of the law, if he considers that based on his conduct or activity The customer on the website, the access and the existence of his Account could harm or harm Viper Shop in any way. In compliance with the provisions of art. 5.5. regarding the notification of the Customer about Viper Shop's actions and or decisions, he can contact the company's Customer Relations Department, to be informed about the reasons that led to the application of the aforementioned measures. The restriction of customers at work is based on abuses of any kind or the repeated non-honoring of orders made. If such a situation is found, the User will be notified by restriction email.
          4. Each User can have only one Account. It is forbidden to share an Account between several Members/Clients.
          5. In the event that Viper Shop discovers irregularities and/or violations of any kind of the provisions of this chapter, which lead to prejudice or disruption in any way to the company's activity, Viper Shop reserves the right, at its own discretion, to cancel, limit, restrict, suspend or exclude the Customer's access to the Content or Service. In this case, the User or the Client can address the Customer Relations Department of Viper Shop to receive the necessary justifications in relation to the measures adopted for the purposes of this article, and the date from which they were or will be applied.
        2. Products and services
          1. Viper Shop can publish on the website information about products, services and/or promotions practiced by it or by any other third party with which Viper Shop has concluded partnership contracts, during a certain period and within the limit of available stock.
          2. The products and/or services purchased through the service are intended exclusively for the personal use of the Customer.
          3. Viper Shop can limit one or more Customers, the ability to purchase some products or services available on the site at a given time, under the conditions of art. 7.1. Articles intended only for certain institutions will be restricted to the general public and can only be purchased on the basis of identification.
          4. All prices related to the products or services presented on the website are expressed in lei (LEI) and include VAT.
          5. The invoicing of the purchased products is done exclusively in LEI. If the payment is made by bank card, Viper Shop will debit the Customer's current account with the amounts representing the value of the ordered products, after sending the order confirmation to the latter.
          6. In the case of online payments, Viper Shop is not / cannot be held responsible for any other additional costs borne by the Customer, including but not limited to currency conversion fees applied by the issuing bank of his card, in the event that the issuing currency of it differs from LEI. The responsibility for this action is borne by the Client alone.
          7. All the information used to describe the products and/or services available on the site (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations / etc.) do not represent a contractual obligation on the part of Viper Shop, they are used exclusively for presentation purposes.
          8. In the description of products and/or services, Viper Shop reserves the right to use other products (accessories / etc.) that may not be included in the costs of the respective products.
        3. Online order
          1. The customer can place orders for products sold at a given time, exclusively on the website.
          2. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that all the data provided by him, necessary for the purchase process, are correct, complete and true on the date of placing the order, referred to in this document as the order issued.
          3. By completing the order, the Customer agrees that Viper Shop can contact him, by any means available / agreed by Viper Shop and provided for in this Document, in any situation in which it is necessary to contact the Customer.
          4. Viper Shop can unilaterally cancel the order made by the Customer, following a prior notification addressed to the Customer, without any subsequent obligation of either party to the other or without any party being able to claim damages from the other in the following cases:
            • non-acceptance by the issuing bank of the Client's card, of the transaction, in the case of online payments;
            • invalidation of the transaction by the card processor approved by Viper Shop, in the case of online payment;
            • the data provided by the Customer on the website are incomplete or incorrect;
            • the Client's activity on the website can and/or causes damage of any kind, or damages Viper Shop and/or its partners in any way;
            • making more than two consecutive failed deliveries;
            • for other objective reasons.
          5. The customer can cancel an order, when contacted in accordance with art. 7.3.3.;
          6. If the Customer cancels within the legal term of withdrawal from the contract, an order made with payment by bank card and in which the bank issuing the Customer's card has transferred the amounts paid to the Viper Shop account, this amount will be returned by Viper Shop within a maximum of 30 days from the date on which the latter became aware of this fact, in the IBAN account indicated in writing by the Client.
          7. In the event that some products ordered by the Customer through an order made with payment by bank card are not available in stock, Viper Shop will inform the customer of this fact and will return to the Customer's account the equivalent value of the products, within a maximum of 30 days from on the date Viper Shop became aware of this fact.
          8. The customer has the right to cancel or modify the content of an order paid with the card, within a maximum of 30 days from its placement. In this sense, the Customer will send in writing to the Viper Shop team the request to cancel or modify the order.
          9. In case the Customer has modified his Order according to art 7.3.8, and the value of his new order is lower than the value of the products/services initially ordered, Viper Shop will return to the Customer's account the amount representing the difference between the value of the initial order and the new order , within a maximum of 30 days from the date on which Viper Shop became aware of this fact.
          10. Product delivery details, including but not limited to the time required for delivery, do not constitute a contractual obligation on the part of Viper Shop, without any party being able to claim damages from the other, in the event that any party may be or is harmed in any way way following their violation.
          11. If a Customer modifies his personal data, using the forms available on the website, all orders in progress existing at that time, keep the data defined/accepted by the Customer before the moment of modification, taking into account delivery and contact, the new data modified accordingly.
        4. Contract and completion
          1. Viper Shop will include in the package sent to the Customer, depending on the type of each product, all the necessary documents to certify the purchase of the products/services by the Customer.
          2. Viper Shop will facilitate informing the Customer about the completion stage of his order.
          3. The contract to which are added the documents certifying the delivery to the Customer of the products contracted by him, on the part of Viper Shop, becomes an honored Contract.
        5. Transport
          1. The delivery of the purchased products/services to the Customer is carried out through a courier company. The courier company processes the personal data of the Viper Shop Client, exclusively for the provision of transport services for the products purchased by them from the company's website and only in full compliance with this Viper Shop Terms and Conditions document. Also, the third partners of the courier company, mandated to carry out transport services, which process personal data of Viper Shop Customers, are required to strictly comply with the terms and conditions of the law regarding the safety of personal data processing and this Viper Shop Terms and Conditions document. In this sense, the courier company can contact Viper Shop Customers by any means of communication (e-mail, telephone, SMS) within the limits and for the purpose provided for in this article.
          2. Deliveries for products that are in stock are made the second working day after order confirmation. For products that are not in stock, the delivery time will be communicated by a sales representative. If the product will be delivered in more than 30 working days, Viper Shop will inform the Customer by phone or by email, in which case, the Customer can cancel the order, and in the event that the payment was made prior to delivery , the amounts paid will be fully reimbursed according to the law, within 30 days from the date of cancellation.
        6. Quality and guarantees
          1. Each product sold by Viper Shop benefits from the warranty term mentioned in the product's warranty certificate. Clear details about the characteristic features of each product are provided on its presentation page. No user/Client can request an extended warranty, in other terms and conditions and/or a warranty valid for a longer term than that provided in the documents mentioned in this article. The guarantee offered by Viper Shop is issued in accordance with the legislation in force and is based on obtaining by Viper Shop the supporting documents for the quality/duration of use of the products sold, respectively certificates of authenticity and/or compliance, directly from the manufacturer and/or the manufacturer's authorized distributors.
            Each product sold by Viper Shop benefits from a guarantee of conformity according to the provisions of Law 449/2003, and according to the provisions of art. 7.7..1., including for cases where the information on the quality of the products offered by the product manufacturer is missing.
            In accordance with art. 11 of Law 449/2003, each user or Customer can request, in case of non-compliance, the repair, replacement of the product within the limit of the available stock, or the return of its value.
          2. If Viper Shop cannot execute the contract because the product is not available, it will inform the Customer about this unavailability, on the date Viper Shop becomes aware of this case. In the event that the product has already been paid for by the Customer, the amounts paid will be reimbursed by Viper Shop within a maximum of 30 days, unless the parties agree otherwise.
          3. In the event of exceeding the delivery term indicated in art. 7.6.2, Viper Shop will inform the Customer by e-mail and will agree with him to extend the delivery term by a period that will not exceed the initially provided delivery term. If, within the new mutually agreed period, the product will be unavailable for delivery, the Customer can request the termination of the remote contract and the cancellation of the order. The customer has at his disposal a period of 3 working days from the date of issuance of the information notice to express his option regarding the ordered product. The lack of receipt by Viper Shop of a response from the Customer within the specified term, will be considered as his tacit acceptance for the extension of the delivery period. In all cases where the Customer expresses his option in writing for the termination of the contract and cancellation of the order, if the product has already been paid by him, Viper Shop will return the amounts paid according to art. 7.6.2..
        7. Returning products
          1. The Viper Shop customer can return the products purchased through a Contract, in the following situations:
            1. The parcels show severe damage;
            2. The products were delivered / invoiced incorrectly;
            3. The products have manufacturing defects;
            4. The products have the wrong sizes ordered by the Customer;
            5. "The consumer has the right to notify the merchant in writing that he gives up the purchase, without penalties and without citing a reason, within 10 working days of receiving the product." Also, in accordance with art. 7 para. 1 of OG 130/2000 , The customer has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the product/products, without penalties and without citing any reason. In this case, the direct costs of returning the products will fall, according to the law, to the Customer.
          2. The customer undertakes to notify Viper Shop of his intention to return the purchased products, by any means of written communication (e-mail/fax/etc) within a maximum of 10 working days from the receipt of the products and/or services.
          3. The customer who has notified Viper Shop according to art 7.7.2, is responsible for ensuring that the products he referred to will be returned within a maximum of 4 working days from the written communication, otherwise, Viper Shop will consider the request unfounded/invalid and can refuse the return.
          4. The Viper Shop customer will not be able to return the purchased products and/or will not claim any other damages/compensations, in the following situations:
            1. In the case of replacing the purchased product with another product with other specifications or of a different type, except for the situation provided for in art.
            2. If the return request for any of the situations provided in art. 7.7.1 has the date of dispatch of the notification of return intention that exceeds the period of 10 working days provided according to art 7.7.2, calculated from the working day following the date of the honored contract.
            3. If a product is returned for one of the situations provided in art. 7.7.1, and the returned product is not in the same condition in which it was delivered (in the original packaging with all the labels intact and the accompanying documents).
            4. According to OG 130/2000 art. 10 lit. c) Viper Shop reserves the right not to accept the return of products that, by their nature, cannot be returned or that can degrade or deteriorate quickly, such as underwear products. The User/Client will be informed on the page of each product whether it is returnable or not. Kit products must be returned as a kit. The shoes must not be used and must be returned in the original undamaged packaging, the boxes being considered as part of the product. Sunglasses must be intact when returned.
          5. In case of reimbursement of the product value, this will be done within 30 days at most from the confirmation of the return.
          6. In the case of replacing the product with one of the newly ordered size, according to 7.7..1.3, the replacement will be made under the conditions and limits of a normal order, i.e. within 15 working days.
          7. If the Customer who has returned a product in accordance with the provisions of art 7.7..1.3, and Viper Shop does not have a suitable product for replacement, it will offer the customer the counter value of the product in accordance with 6.8.5.
          8. The value of the additional services, including but not limited to the transport of the products, paid by the customer, is not reimbursed. The cost of returning the products is borne by the customer according to the law.
          9. In all cases, the return/re-shipment costs will be borne by the customer, except for the situations presented in points;; as well as in the case of non-compliance according to 7.7.1., in which case Viper Shop will bear the cost of the transport. Also, in the case of the delivery of an unordered product(s), according to ch. 7.3., the return costs are borne by Viper Shop.

  • Fraud
        1. Viper Shop does not ask its Customers or Users by any means of communication (e-mail/telephone/SMS, etc.) for information regarding confidential data, bank accounts/cards or personal passwords.
        2. The Client / User assumes full responsibility for disclosing his confidential data to any third party.
        3. Viper Shop disclaims any responsibility, in the event that a user/Client is/is harmed in any way by a third party who claims to be/represent the interests of Viper Shop.
        4. The Customer or User will inform Viper Shop about such attempts, using the contact details.
        5. Viper Shop does not promote SPAM. Any user/customer who has explicitly provided his email address on the site can opt to deactivate the customer account related to this email address, with the fulfillment of the conditions mentioned in art. 5.3. of this Document.
        6. The communications made by Viper Shop through electronic means of remote communication (ie e-mail) contain complete and compliant identification data of the sender or links to them, at the time of transmission of the content.
        7. The following purposes, once achieved, will be considered an attempt to defraud the Site/Content and/or Viper Shop, the latter reserving the right to initiate criminal prosecution against the person or persons who attempted to, or achieved this goal(s):
          1. to access the data of any type of another user/Client by using an account or by any other method.
          2. to alter or modify the content of the Site or any correspondence sent by any means by Viper Shop to the user / Client
          3. to affect the performance of the server/servers on which the site runs
          4. to access or disclose to any third party who does not have the necessary legal authority, the content sent by any means by Viper Shop to the user/Client when he is not the legitimate recipient of the content.

  • Limitation of liability
        1. Viper Shop cannot be held responsible in any way to any user/client who uses the Site or its Content, other than within the limits of the articles constituting the Terms and Conditions
        2. If a user/Client considers that a Content sent by any means by Viper Shop violates copyright or any other rights, he can contact Viper Shop for details, according to the contact details, so that Viper Shop can take a decision in the knowledge of the case.
        3. Viper Shop does not guarantee the User or the client access to the website or the service, in the absence of registration by the latter by going through the registration stages on the website, and does not grant him the right to download or modify partially and/or fully the content, to partially or fully reproduce the content, to copy, or to exploit any content in any other way, or to transfer to any third party any content to which it has and/or has obtained access, based on a user agreement, without the consent prior written consent of Viper Shop.
        4. Viper Shop is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites reached through links from the content, regardless of the nature of these links. For the respective sites, the responsibility is fully borne by their owners.
        5. Viper Shop is exonerated from any fault in the case of the use of the sites and/or the content transmitted to the user or Customer, by any means (electronic, telephone, etc.), through the sites, e-mail or an employee of Viper Shop , when this use of the content can or does cause damage of any kind to the User, the Client and/or any third party involved in this transfer of Content.
        6. Viper Shop does not offer any direct or indirect guarantees that:
          1. the service will be according to the client's requirements;
          2. the service will be uninterrupted, secure or error-free of any kind;
          3. the products/services obtained for free through the service will correspond to the client's requirements or expectations.
        7. Within the limits of the Terms and Conditions, the operators, administrators and/or owners of the site are not in any way responsible for their relationships or consequences resulting from, but not limited to, purchases, special offers, promotions, promotions, or any other type of relationship / connection / transaction / collaboration / etc. that may appear between the client or user and any of those who promote themselves directly or indirectly through the site.

  • Force majeure and fortuitous event
        1. Except for the cases in which they have not expressly provided otherwise, none of the parties to a concluded contract, which is still in progress, will be responsible for the non-execution on time and/or in an appropriate manner, in whole or in part, of any of the obligations that it is incumbent on him based on the contract, if the non-execution of the respective obligation was caused by a force majeure event.
        2. The party or the legal representative of the party that invokes the event mentioned above, will immediately and fully inform the other party of its occurrence and take any measures available to limit the consequences of that event.
        3. The party or the legal representative of the party that invokes the event mentioned above is exempted from this obligation only if the event prevents it from completing it.
        4. If, within 15 days from the date of its occurrence, the said event does not cease, each party will have the right to notify the other party of the full termination of this contract without any of them being able to claim other damages-interests from the other.
        5. The party invoking the force majeure event must prove the impossibility of fulfilling the obligations within 30 days from the date of occurrence of the event, but within the limits of art. 10.3.

  • disputes
        1. By using/visiting/viewing/etc the sites and/or any content sent by Viper Shop to the User/Client by accessing and/or sending by any means (electronic, telephone, etc), he/she declares to agree at least with the provisions " Terms and conditions".
        2. Any dispute with reference to these Terms and Conditions that could arise between the user/Client and Viper Shop will be resolved amicably, the parties submitting all the necessary diligence in this regard.
        3. Any dispute, of any kind, that could arise between the user and Viper Shop or its partners, will be resolved amicably. If this is not possible, the conflict will be resolved by the competent court at the Viper Shop headquarters, in accordance with the Romanian laws in force.
        4. If any of the above clauses is found to be void or invalid, regardless of the cause, this clause will not affect the validity of the other clauses.
        5. This document has been drafted and will be interpreted in accordance with Romanian legislation.

  • Final provisions
        1. Viper Shop reserves the right to make any changes to these provisions, as well as any changes to the site/its structure/service as well as any content without prior notification to the User or Client.
        2. Viper Shop reserves the right to insert advertising banners of any nature and/or links on any page of the site, in compliance with the legislation in force.

  • Feedback
      1. If there are any questions or suggestions regarding Viper Shop, please contact us at phone number, from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. , or by email at office@viperspirit.ro
      2. Any comments, questions, feedback, ideas, suggestions or other communications or information about or relating to the vipershop.ro website, its functionality or improvement will become and remain the property of Viper Shop, from the date of their transmission to Viper Shop, by any means of comunication.

    Last modified: October 2013 - Viper Shop
    Personal data processing: Viper Shop is registered in the personal data processing register under no. 16410

    For more details on consumer protection:

    ANPC website

    TEL INFO - CONSUMER: 0800 080 999 - free phone line

    List of county commissioners for consumer protection